Lijan van Niekerk

Fun and Excitement as THIRSTI AFRICANX TRAILRUN delivers top quality on final day

Day Three was Dress-up Day at the THIRSTI AFRICANX TRAILRUN and the mountain trails near Houw Hoek Inn were splashed…

2 years ago

Dominant Team Salomon lead the way on day 2 of the THIRSTI AFRICANX TRAILRUN

Leading ladies Lijan van Niekerk, left, and Marion Leiberich showing the form which took them to victory in the second…

2 years ago

History-steeped “Fishers” the perfect winter’s outing.

Movie-like... the final sprint as Llewellyn Groenewald and Robbie Rorich silhouetted along Fish Hoek Beach during Saturday's June 5 Fishers…

3 years ago