Yesterday’s cancellation of the Comrades Marathon confirmed what most people had expected. The faint hope of a late vaccination reprieve was extinguished by the “regret” notice issued by the board, largely due to complications relating to the South African variant and the anticipated third wave of the virus.
And while the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) board acknowledges the disappointment, which is a particularly bitter bill in the great race’s centenary year, there are several silver linings to be found for those ‘glass half full’ runners ready to look for them.
“The decision to cancel will come as an enormous disappointment to tens of thousands of runners; and has also been a tough call for CMA organisers to make, in what is the world-renowned Race’s Centenary year,” the official statement acknowledged.
“The CMA Board is determined that the health, safety and welfare of Comrades runners, officials, volunteers and the general public remains paramount, even after having held out hope that the nation’s most unifying road running event would have been able to be hosted in June,” the official statement continued.

The CMA is also determined that it won’t halt centenary celebrations during the year. “The festivities of the Centenary Celebrations will commence on 24 May,” explained CMA Board Chair and past Comrades champion, Cheryl Winn, “and we’re inviting all to join in the revelry and remembrance of South Africa’s and the world’s oldest and greatest ultra-road running event.”
Not only is the CMA sure to lay on a spectacular 2022 race to bring down the curtain on the Comrades Marathon’s centenary year but organisers actually get a second bite at the “centenary” cherry. That’s because missed races during the second world war and through the current coronavirus pandemic means that the 100th marathon itself will actually only be run in 2027 – barring further, unforeseen circumstances.

And while virtual races might not be the real thing, the first virtual Comrades Marathon last year proved an outstanding success, with 43 788 participants from 100 countries taking part. And the CMA has confirmed that its 2nd Comrades Marathon virtual event will take place on Sunday, 13 June 2021, when runners will be able to run their chosen distance in their own neighbourhood.
The cancellation will still be a bitter pill for many top ultra-distance athletes looking to translate months of hard training into competition on the 90km road between Pietermartizburg and Durban. One of the Comrades elite, however – 2016 champion Charne Bosman – is determined to make the most of an uncertain year.
The Pretoria-based athlete intends to make the best use of her training by competing in her first-ever trail race – the AfricanX, the popular three-day team race in the Western Cape – and is showing all the energy and enthusiasm of a new convert.

“Comrades remains my number one,” said Bosman, “But I’m very excited about running in the first trail event. I had the opportunity to run on some trails in December when I was on holiday near Jeffrey’s Bay. I really enjoyed it and thought that maybe I could also do well at trail. I have a background in cross country, so hopefully that will help me with trails.
“In fact, I have wanted to do so for a while, but there were always road race commitments. But when Two Oceans was cancelled this year, I took my chance and entered AfricanX.
“I’ll be running with one of my club-mates, Kallie Burger. He’s an experienced trail athlete and has won the Rhodes Ultra-Marathon three times. So I’ll be leaning on him for support, especially on the technical sections. We are now waiting in anticipation for the release of this year’s route details and will hopefully be able to make a trip down to the Cape to train on the routes.

“I’m looking for advice wherever I can find it and I’m reading up on everything on trail running, like a real newbie! And I’m delighted with my new hydration pack – I’m now carrying my own water wherever I run!
“I’ve found it quite hard work running on the trails, but it is making me stronger and I can now appreciate how trail athletes like (American) Camille Herron can do so well in Comrades.
“While I’m sad about missing Comrades, I’ve made it my resolution for 2021 to be a year of experiencing new things. But I will definitely be back to do the virtual Comrades again – it was great to be a part of that last year.”
Story by Stephen Granger.
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