SPNAfrica’s Outdoors and Travel Channel is to host XOA – Xtreme Outdoors Africa – thanks to a deal with XOA owners Africa InSight Communications, Kenya. XOA is a TV show that follows two African adventurers and their extreme outdoors adventures across Africa. The channel itself will offer Extreme Sports and Outdoors enthusiasts with TV shows like XOA and so much more – News, Events, Updates, Profiles, Features; all here at www.spnafricanews.com and SPNAfrica.com

XOA is the TV Show that millions of African extreme sports and outdoors enthusiasts HAVE NOT SEEN. It has flighted only on exclusive Pay TV and InFlight platforms. Now, SPNAfrica is bringing it to all of us… streaming on SPNAfrica.com with plenty more Xtreme Sports news to keep you up to date on your favourite activities, right here on SPNAfrica News.