Thursday, May 16, 2024


BAQE, BAKO, BALL’N, this is basketball as you’ve never seen it before. News, features, analysis, live events, BAL, national leagues, FIBA news, all from An African Angle. Here on SPNAfrica News and at with video and Live coverage, curated by SILALEI SHANI, on

A taste of Victor Muzadi

From BAQE host, Silalei: "Victor Muzadi is one of those people who will talk up his home team constantly. No surprise when that's one of Africa's best-ever basketball teams - Angola. However, peel back the trash-talking, the blunt honesty and...

Hoops on the Nile – a journey to South Sudan

As much as it can interfere with regular life, one of the best things about a factual TV show is that you have to get out on the road. A sports show even more so, perhaps, as you...

Michael Jordan weighs in on George Floyd’s death

NBA legend Michael Jordan has released a statement expressing his grief and outrage over the death of George Floyd. With protesters taking to the streets across the United States again Sunday (May 31), Jordan released a statement on Floyd and...

Silalei interview with Coach Liz Mills

If you missed the action - and there was plenty of laughter and more serious talk around African basketball, coaching across the continent and the latest on the BAL - you can catch up right here.

BEATING CORONA – An SPNAfrica series

ONCE UPON A TIME, IN NAIROBI I first met Victor Muzadi in Nairobi, in 2015. He had come to our studios together with Liz Mills, a basketball coach then living in Zambia, for an interview on BAQE, the show behind...

NBA uncertain over players salaries due to coronavirus pandemic

NBA players may have their salaries withheld as a result of the coronavirus. A league memo — which was sent on Friday — indicated that the NBA is unsure whether it would start withholding salaries from players starting April...
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